This year I’ve done some little watercolors for the holidays featuring characters from Valdelluna. First up, here’s Curious Babe celebrating Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) from back in September:

And this is the art for the Hanukkah card I did for Valdellunian patrons. Speaking of which, it’s Hanukkah this week so… Hanukkah sameach!

I get the feeling Curious Babe is very fond of Jewish holidays and all their associated foods. Well, maybe not Yom Kippur so much. But definitely Rosh Hashanah, Purim, Hanukkah and Passover.
Finally, here’s Jingle Whiskers to wish everyone a very happy and festive non-denominational solstice holiday!

If you (yes, YOU) would like to receive Jingle Whiskers as a physical card, head on over to my Patreon and subscribe to the Valdellunian tier by December 31st. I’ll be mailing a round in the second half of December for existing patrons, and another in January for new patrons.
One last piece of housekeeping: if you’d like purchase gifts from my online shop this year I have brought back free gift wrapping as an option. Check out this post on Heliopause for all the details, or head straight to the store.
Happy Holidays, all!