Valdelluna is the setting for Goldeen’s series of illustrations featuring the curious creatures and peculiar people of the magical Valley of the Moon. It is a misty moisty place where the morning fog is spun into silver thread by the Mist Spinner, where Earbrella lives with her Fluffernutterkins, and the high peaks of the surrounding mountains are home to dragons and griffins. Doombirbs live here, as does the Teagrum, Boulda, and the Curious Babe. It is a gently spooky place, filled wonder and enchantment, where even the most terrifying monsters can sit back, relax, and show their softer side.
Goldeen has been exploring Valdelluna since 2009 and is currently developing it into a series of children’s books. CSA members get weekly updates and access to full pages when complete. Consider becoming a member today to support the project and get tons of other cool rewards!

Coming soon: the Origin Story
Meanwhile, check out some of the inhabitants of Valdelluna!

Earbrella is a kind, nervous friend who lives in Valdelluna with the Fluffernutterkins. She likes reading, and napping, and baking. Although she sometimes is annoyed by the Fluffernutterkins, she loves them very much. The Fluffernutterkins are Earbrella’s best friends. They are not her children, but she takes care of them as if they were. They are very loud, and rambunctious, but also very soft and cute.
The Mist Spinner spins the morning mist into silver thread using her magical spinning wheel. Everyone likes the Mister Spinner, for without her the mornings would not be sunny!

Boulda is the Boulderbear and the friend of all rocks. They will follow her if she asks, and let her pick them up whenever she likes.
Teagrum is a baker and a brewer of tea. He loves kneading dough and curling up with a good book and a hot cuppa. He takes care of the Curious Babe.

The Curious Babe is still figuring this all out. They are curious about EVERYTHING but very kind and gentle. They like exploring, but only on nice days. When it is raining they prefer to stay inside and drink hot soup.
There are many people residents of Valdelluna, with new friends being discovered every day. If you would like to meet them, consider joining the CSA!