Hello all! The Professor Odd Season Three Kickstarter launched last Saturday, and every day this week I’m featuring a cover illustration from the book. These have been a long time in the making, and I’m excited to share them with you at last!
Today it’s the cover for Episode 14 “The City Under Ice”

The City had a dozen different names, and none of them were very specific. On the charter it was New Europa City, which made it sound like the only city on the planet. Which, at the time the charter had been written, it was. But that had been a hundred years ago—New Europan years, which were at least two-thirds again as long as Old Earth Standard—and now there were seven other incorporated cities.
Professor Odd Season Three: The City Under Ice
NEC was still the largest, and the fastest growing. It had the only Naturalization Center, and most immigrants, once they made it through, saw no reason to leave. And natives kept coming in from the fringe towns. To the people born and raised in the City Under Ice, it might as well have been all there was to the planet New Europa. It certainly was that to Pilot, and when he thought of it—the whole of it, Downtown and Uptown and Greasyside and Lunch Pad and Crystal Field and The Cone and Four Brothers and, his personal favorite and current stomping ground, Shiver Park—it was just the City.
Prints are currently available through the Kickstarter campaign as either full size posters or the mini print set. Original art is exclusively available as a Kickstarter reward.
Created with colored pencils on 12″x18″ illustration paper in February of 2022, here’s glimpse of the progression:

Creation of this art was supported by members of the Heliopause CSA. For in-depth progress reports, behind-the-scenes extras, and monthly stories, consider joining today!
Tomorrow will feature the cover of Episode 15: The Dreams of Doctor Morag. I’ll see you then!