Protected: Valdelluna – Mist Spinner prog 18 [CSA post]
Ceres Horse [art post]
To close out the year, the decade, and my Planet Horse series, here is Ceres, Queen of the Asteroid Belt. Since I added Pluto (and Charon) last year I felt it would be fitting to pay homage to another important celestial object—and a very important goddess. Like all my Planet Horses this piece was done …
Progress on Ligno (kicking into 2015)
Happy 2015! I’m excited for this year, and also a little overwhelmed. So many plans, so many hopes and dreams (and a few fears). This morning I begin work on a novel I’ve had planned for years. It feels a bit like sitting at the top of a roller coaster in a thick fog: I …
Progression of Subject 0-D
These are (rather bad) progress pictures of the frontispiece illustration for “Subject 0-D,” the second half of the two-parter Professor Odd season 1 finale, “The Monster’s Daughter.” Below, you can see the cleaned-up pencils with early shading, the rendered image, and lastly the finished piece alongside the print-out guide I used as a reference for the …