Protected: Valdelluna – Mist Spinner Prog 20 [CSA Major]
Protected: Valdelluna – Mist Spinner prog 19 [CSA Major]
Protected: Valdelluna – Mist Spinner prog 18 [CSA post]
Valdelluna Holiday Art
This year I’ve done some little watercolors for the holidays featuring characters from Valdelluna. First up, here’s Curious Babe celebrating Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) from back in September: And this is the art for the Hanukkah card I did for Valdellunian patrons. Speaking of which, it’s Hanukkah this week so… Hanukkah sameach! I get …
Valdelluna Coloring Cards
These began as a way for me to print my own stationary for use writing thank you notes and suchlike, but when Leslie at Rose City ComicCon reached out asking if I had any coloring pages or similar to donate to their RC Jr. At Home series, to help parents who are suddenly having to …
Treestone [Art Post]
“Treestone” was developed from a drawing in my “Travels in Valdelluna” sketchbook. I had been stagnating on a large graphite pencil piece, and needed to get something finished no matter how quickly. Below is the original cartoon. Valdelluna is a country I’ve been loosely developing for many years. Home of the Mist Spinner, Earbrella, and the …
Patreon Rewards Preview
After a good deal of mental blundering and some keen encouragement from close family and friends, I’ve undertaken to build a Patreon—one which will hopefully launch within the next month. I have an assortment of tiers and respective rewards, many of which are not available for conventional purchase. As I will say again: my Patreon …