MAC2 Schedule

For more information, or to add events to your schedule, go here! Very excited that they gave me so much stuff to do! Some notes: Cultural Influences in SF Art will be helmed by my man John Picacio co-starring GoH Kinuko Craft along with myself and Kurt Busiek. Should be a good show. Fursuiting Demo …

Strange Owls 2 [art post]

Righto, so it’s been a very busy, happy summer in a stressful sort of way. Conventions, moving, a friend’s wedding, more conventions (MOVING) so naturally I’ve been painting more cute owls in strange hats. These darlings are modeling the Yellow-grey pixie, flotsam shell, and Fiddler’s Green fiddlehead hats! Both the originals will be up for …

Strange Owls [art post]

The short of it is I was bogged down in long-term projects and one morning I woke up and realized what I needed to do was paint an owl wearing one of Chronographia’s marvelous hats. So I did. This was the result: It made me so happy that I did another one the next day. …

Master and Hound [art post]

Hunter and Hound 2016 by Goldeen Ogawa, watercolor on paper This is a somewhat cheeky piece of work. You see, it could be a depiction of Arawn, King of Annwm, (or possibly Gwyn; the distinction between them being so fuzzy), with one of his red-eared Yeth Hounds… …or it could be Sirius, the Dogstar, incarnate in a …

2016 Hugo-Eligible works

Belated, I know, but if there is any overlap in between my readership and members of WorldCons 2015 (Sasquan), 2016 (MidAmeriCon II), and/or 2017 (WorldCon 75), and you’re having trouble filling out your Hugo Nomination ballots, here are my Hugo-eligible works, and their respective categories: Best Novella (A science fiction or fantasy story between 17,500 …

DWJ March Read-aloud: Dogsbody (+ bonus)

On this final Sunday in March, in honor of #DWJMarch and all fans of Diana Wynne Jones, I present a very tired author reading from Dogsbody, as suggested by Dragonrose, plus a bonus of my own choosing. It also features accompaniment from the iPad-Who-Would-Not-Be-Silenced, and my own dog, Frieda, on Squeaker (fairly certain not a Zoi) …

DWJ March Read-aloud: The Spellcoats

This week’s DWJMarch read-aloud was requested by my Wonderful Mother, who asked for something from The Spellcoats! * The Spellcoats is the third book in the Dalemark Quartet, though it takes place prior to all the others. However, like the Chronicles of Narnia, these books are best read in the order in which they were written: Cart and Cwidder, …

DWJ March Read-aloud: Hexwood

This week I’m blogging from the road, but I’ve still got a snippet of Diana Wynne Jones for you! This time it’s my own selection, from my personal favorite: Hexwood.   * Hexwood is a standalone novel—sadly. But what a novel! Robots! Dragons! And a definite treat for anyone interested in a new take on European …

DWJMarch Read-aloud: Magicians of Caprona

Good morning! And welcome to the first edition of my Diana Wynne Jones Read-aloud for DWJMarch! This week I’m reading an excerpt of The Magicians of Caprona, as requested by Kristen M of Enjoy! * *The Magicians of Caprona © 1980 Diana Wynne Jones is the second novel she wrote which takes place in the related …