Strange Short-Eared Owl

The newest member of the Strange Owls [part one, part two] family, this one was inspired by the owl mask made by Jennifer Miller which I purchased last year. I’ve been developing the character as a witchy sort of person, complete with a witchy hat by Chronographia! Watercolor on 8″x10″ paper. Prints available soon! The …

Watercolor commissions

Two watercolor commissions, one recent, one… not so recent. This was a take-home order from AnthroCon 2016, which I had to put on hold for a couple of months while I moved to Bend. I was doing a lot of yoga in defense of my sanity, and the affirmation of eagle pose (Amidst life’s storms, I stand …

AnthroCon and Beyond

It’s been a whirlwind… life, really. AnthroCon was there at the turn of the month, and as always it was a wild, exhilarating ride. So many good feelings, so good to see old friends again and kindle new ones. I missed Susan, who wisely stayed in the Netherlands this year and thus avoided the harrowing …

The Dark Moon [art post]

see that dark one walking there/see the moon caught in her hair/she’s a ghost among your men/she’s a dark one understand Portrait of Selene Shields, the Dark Moon • graphite pencil • 12″x9″ smooth bristol board • February 2017 I started this in February, which is Black History Month, and I’m posting it here in March, …

January roundup

What a month. I am going to make a blanket assumption that everyone reading this is at least as terrified as I am at the political climate change going on, which is almost as dangerous to the future of humanity as the natural climate change we have even less control over. But in the tradition of …

Keep burning

Some thoughts on the recent spate of cultural icon deaths… It is destabilizing to lose an anchor of inspiration. Like looking to your lodestar and finding it dark. Maybe, you feel, a piece of you has also died. But the fact is we exist in a continuum. We are not fixed points. We are a …

Joining the Great Migration

If I’ve been more than usually quiet this last month and a half it’s because I’ve been preoccupied moving to Oregon. Turns out there’s even more to it than renting a large truck, packing up your life’s belongings and driving for twelve hours. There’s insurance and licensing and you find out how much stuff you truly need. …

MAC2 Schedule

For more information, or to add events to your schedule, go here! Very excited that they gave me so much stuff to do! Some notes: Cultural Influences in SF Art will be helmed by my man John Picacio co-starring GoH Kinuko Craft along with myself and Kurt Busiek. Should be a good show. Fursuiting Demo …