Valdelluna Holiday Art

This year I’ve done some little watercolors for the holidays featuring characters from Valdelluna. First up, here’s Curious Babe celebrating Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) from back in September: And this is the art for the Hanukkah card I did for Valdellunian patrons. Speaking of which, it’s Hanukkah this week so… Hanukkah sameach! I get …

Eclipsing Wolf [art post]

I drawing I started (literally) years ago that I finished last month as a little brain-changer before diving into my next big illustration project. It features Elo, the hero of Professor Odd, bearing her weapon of choice: a portable temporal field manipulator AKA the Time Gun. It’s ended up as the artwork for this year’s …

Welcome Theory

After five years in this studio I finally did what I’ve always wanted to do and set up an oil painting station. My goal is to do at least one painting a month, both for practice and as a way to keep my spirits up in the coming months of cold and dark. And the …

Eternal Aether

Last month I bid farewell to my dear and beloved assistant, companion, and all-around heart-healer, Aether the cat. Aether was first discovered, along with his sister Nyx and brother Chaos, as kittens in the shed behind my parents’ house. My brother and I tamed them and adopted them. They were great cats. Aether and Chaos …

Kickstarting Arcana

I am running a Kickstarter for the third volume of Driving Arcana, and so far it’s going very well. The project funded in under three days, but the campaign runs until April 27 and I have some really exciting stretch goals to reach for, so I’m hopeful people will keep backing and spreading the word. …