NaNoWriMo Challenge Report – Week 2

As explained in a previous post, for the month of November 2013 I am undertaking a modified version of the NaNoWriMo challenge. Instead of writing a 50,000 word novel in a month, I am simply aiming to write 50,000 words of fiction (excluding blog posts like this one and other non-story writing, such as introductions and blurbs). I have allotted myself 22 days to write these 50,000 words (allowing for travel and conventions), meaning a daily average of 2,273 words per day. Words can go towards any number of stories I have in the works, in any proportion, but they must all be stories I intend to finish and publish one day. I am therefore recording, every day, the number of words I’ve written for each story, the total number of words that day, and how many words I am over or under my daily minimum average. I am also keeping a running total of how many words I’ve written and how many days it took, how many words I’ve left to write, and how many days to write them in, as well as a tally of how many words I am over or under the minimum average for the total day.

My entries for the past week (November 8th-14th) can be found below. Entries for Week 1 can be found here.

FRIDAY November 8
2,644 for Driving Arcana 1.5
TOTAL: 2,644 of 2,273
371 over minimum average

Current total: 24,631 in (8) days
6,447 over minimum average (total)
Remaining total: 25,369 in (14) days

SATURDAY November 9*
218 for God or Aliens song
Completed Driving Arcana 1.5
TOTAL: 218 of 0
218 over minimum average

Current total: 24,849 in (8) days
6,655 over minimum average (total)
Remaining total: 25,151 in (14) days

SUNDAY November 10*
TOTAL: 0 of 0
0 remaining to minimum average

*The 9th and 10th were scheduled Non Active Days and thus do not have a minimum average nor do are they counted among the 22 Active Days.

MONDAY November 11
1,307 for Felpz 2.8: Moofoot Problem
176 for Star Walker
TOTAL: 1,483 of 2,273
790 below minimum average

Current total: 26,332 in (9) days
5,865 over minimum average (total)
Remaining total: 23,668 in (13) days

TUESDAY November 12
1,930 for Star Walker
1,014 for Felpz 2.8
TOTAL: 2,944 of 2,273
671 over minimum average

Current total: 29,276 in (10) days
6,536 over minimum average (total)
Remaining total: 20,724 in (12) days

WEDNESDAY November 13
4,868 for Felpz 2.8
TOTAL: 4,868 of 2,273
2,595 over minimum average

Current total: 34,144 in (11) days
9,131 over minimum average (total)
Remaining total: 15,856 in (11) days

THURSDAY November 14
4,827 + THE END for Felpz 2.8
TOTAL: 4,827 of 2,273
2,554 over minimum average

Total words for Week 2: 16,984

Current total: 38,971 in (12) days
11,685 over minimum average (total)
Remaining total: 11,029 in (10) days

A bit down from Week 1, mostly due to the fact that I wrote practically nothing on Saturday and nothing at all on Sunday. But that’s okay: I planned for those days to be non productive. Also, what is encouraging is that, although I was under my minimum average on Monday, I was able to bounce back over the remaining week, and actually extended my word-lead. At this rate I really only need to write a little over one thousand words a day to come in on schedule, but of course I’m going to reach for the stretch goals (TBA).

I expect the weekly total will go down again next week, and the week after, as I will be traveling for Midwest FurFest for part of both of them. But that’s why the Day Counter is set at 22 instead of 30, after all.

But hey, 11,000+ words ahead of schedule. Not bad, I say! The challenge now is seeing if I can finish Professor Odd 8 by the end of the month. (Hint: I’m going to try REALLY HARD.)


Goldeen Ogawa is a writer, illustrator and cartoonist. You can follow her daily progress on the 50k word challenge on her twitter, @GrimbyTweets, and you can also email her at—but understand why if she doesn’t respond right away.