Hello all! The Professor Odd Season Three Kickstarter launched last Saturday, and or the past week I’ve been unveiling a new cover every day. These have been a long time in the making, and I’m excited to share them with you at last!
Today it’s the cover for Episode 18 “The Last Voyage of the Odyssean”

It took Alister almost a minute to make sense of what he was seeing; his eyes and his body were telling him two different things.
His body said that he was standing on the springy soil of the Oddity’s garden, looking up at what passed for sky.
His eyes said that he was suspended on a ceiling, looking down at the top of a ship. It was roughly the shape of a sea turtle, Alister thought, but with three rudder-like fins sticking out on either side of its roundish body. Looking at it from above, as he was, he could also see that it had a hump in the middle of what would have been its back, which extended up (or down) in a tower studded with antennae. It was this tower which had connected with the Oddity’s roof, though neither roof nor tower appeared to have sustained any damage from it.
While the tower looked like shiny, silver metal, the rest of the ship had a hazy, almost purple quality to it, though in places there were scratches and dents, like the sites of meteor impacts, where silver showed through.
There were no windows that Alister could recognize, though around the edge of what corresponded to the turtle’s shell were studded little orange lights, low and faint against the void.
Much closer, near the top of what he thought of as the con tower, was a band of blue metal into which were set silver letters. These were half cut off by the silhouette of the Oddity’s roof, but they were right-side up, which made them easy to read.
“A N S Odyssean,” he read aloud.
“It wasn’t there and then it was,” Elo announced, sounding more annoyed than anything.
“Perturbing,” said Janet.
“Interesting,” said Professor Odd. “I wonder if we can get inside?”
Prints are currently available through the Kickstarter campaign as either full size posters or the mini print set. Original art is exclusively available as a Kickstarter reward.
Created with colored pencils on 12″x18″ illustration paper in June and July of 2022, here’s glimpse of the progression:

Creation of this art was supported by members of the Heliopause CSA. For in-depth progress reports, behind-the-scenes extras, and monthly stories, consider joining today!
Tomorrow we have one last interior illustration, and that’s the cover for the bonus short story “Kumallinién”. Look forward to it!