My online manga, Year of the God-Fox, is posting weekly over at Anyone who hasn’t already should seriously check it out! It also has an official Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook—so you can be kept up-to-date on the social media site of your choice. I post chapter previews, teasers, and also Production Notes (sort of like behind-the-scenes but for a comic) there, along with other neat things. (All content is mirrored across the three platforms, so you only have to follow one!)
Year of the God-Fox is a pay-for webcomic. There will be four books eventually; currently you can buy access to Book 1 for $5.99 or the Complete Series for $19.99. I’ve worked very (very) hard on it. I hope you like it.
I’ve also been busy working on personal commissions and getting ready for a major shift in my publishing business (more on this later). Part of the work involves releasing the various Adventures of Bouragner Felpz as a complete volume. I’ve spent the last week getting the cover ready, and I am very proud of it. So proud I want to show it off to everyone. As I said in my tweet I know it’s bad form to show off your cover before the book has a release date, but what’s the point of being your own publisher if you can’t break the stupid rules?
Here’s the cover for the first volume of The Adventures of Bouragner Felpz, which will contain all eleven stories so far published, plus a special introduction:

Volume 1 will be available as an eBook sometime in August or September and as a print book hopefully not too long afterwards. And in case you’re wondering, yes, there will be a Volume 2. I’ve already written the first four stories for it, and am in the process of writing the fifth. There will be twelve eventually (for a total of twenty-three short stories), plus three novellas—which will comprise Volume 3.
Now I must fly and enter edits for the first Driving Arcana story. The work of the self-published author is never done!
Goldeen Ogawa is a writer, illustrator and cartoonist. You can email her at or peck at her on Twitter @GrimbyTweets.