Last month I bid farewell to my dear and beloved assistant, companion, and all-around heart-healer, Aether the cat.
Aether was first discovered, along with his sister Nyx and brother Chaos, as kittens in the shed behind my parents’ house. My brother and I tamed them and adopted them. They were great cats. Aether and Chaos came with me when I moved to Bend in 2016, and they were a big help making the new house feel like home.
Aether charmed everyone he met with his high, kitten-ish meow, constant purring, and vigorous cuddling style. He was especially fond of his scratching post, and lying in the sun behind the curtains. Our favorite routine was for me to sit sideways on the sofa with a pillow and my iPad on my lap, so he could wiggle into the little valley between my chest and my tummy and curl up there while I worked on books. He helped me to write a lot of stories this way.
Although he tested positive for FIV as a kitten, Aether was overall a healthy, happy cat, and it wasn’t until this year when he developed a middle ear infection that he had any serious medical issues. Although he responded well to treatment for the infection, a month or so after finishing his course of antibiotics he began having seizures which left him with decreasing cognitive function. Sadly, the seizures continued despite medication, leaving him barely conscious. He was euthanized when it became apparent that he would not recover.
He is preceded in death by his sister and brother. He is survived by his house-sister Frieda the Dog, and a very sad cat-mom.

The little peeper
who squeaked his squeaker
and yelled for his food.
The everlasting kitten
no one who met him wasn’t smitten
to see a cat so good.
Always purring,
vigor cuddles
The little thing that got me through
my biggest struggles.
Clouded back and soft white fur
We made so many stories together.
Though bodies fail he shall continue
my eternal Aether.
Also, if you have a cat nearby, give it a gentle hug.