Hello all! The Professor Odd Season Three Kickstarter launched last Saturday, and every day this week I’m featuring a cover illustration from the book. These have been a long time in the making, and I’m excited to share them with you at last!
Today it’s the cover for Episode 15 “The Dreams of Doctor Morag”

“A’right, Elo, I think this will keep us in pumpkin for at least a month,” he was saying, eyeing the impromptu harvest, when a universe opened directly above them.
Professor Odd Season Three: The Dreams of Doctor Morag
It was a brief flash of golden-orange light, and it temporarily blinded him. He screwed his eyes shut but did not turn his face away, and when he felt like his eyes had adjusted to that, looked down at the ground and opened them.
He saw his feet, in their wet, muddy trainers, standing on dark brown soil surrounded by glossy purple leaves. The golden light made everything warm and glowing, like sunset on a beach, and around him was the humming of bees, which gently faded away with the light.
Daring to look up, he saw the universe was cloaked in a fine film of darkness. So they could not look directly into it, but it was still (relatively) nearby.
“What was that?” Elo demanded, popping up out of the plants like she’d jumped on a trampoline.
“One hundred and seven pinprick portals,” Janet said.
“The bees!” Professor Odd exclaimed, sounding delighted.
“Did they just use the portal a little bit?” Alister asked, wryly.
“I think so,” said Professor Odd. She sounded overjoyed. Quickly gathering up the ends of her coat around the load of pumpkin, she hauled it over her shoulder and started for the ladder. “Come on, I want to see where they went!”
Prints are currently available through the Kickstarter campaign as either full size posters or the mini print set. Original art is exclusively available as a Kickstarter reward.
Created with colored pencils on 12″x18″ illustration paper in March and April of 2022, here’s glimpse of the progression:

Creation of this art was supported by members of the Heliopause CSA. For in-depth progress reports, behind-the-scenes extras, and monthly stories, consider joining today!
Tomorrow will feature the cover of Episode 16: Flight of Xifoptero. I’ll see you then!