Urban Green Man Interview

Last week Bitten by Books hosted an online book launch for the Urban Green Man anthology. This included a comments section where authors and readers were encouraged to answer questions from other authors and readers about the book, its themes, and writing in general. My answers, along with my little mini-interview, are reposted below. For those …

Hocus Focus

My mom (the Wonderful Mother so often alluded to on this blog) always gets the latest gadgets on her phone. Recently she upgraded the camera and got the ability to take “burst photos.” That is, you press down the shutter button and the camera takes dozens of pictures per second until you take your finger …

Urban Green Man book launch

The climax of World Fantasy is, of course, the banquet. They clear out the biggest hall and fill it with round tables and put a stage at one end. There is a catered dinner, and then they announce the winners of that year’s World Fantasy awards. Publishers can reserve entire tables for their employees and …

Defining Mary Sue

Rambling around the internet earlier today I stumbled on a quote from an article about Mary Sues, and how we need more of them. The article in question is here but I should say that I haven’t read all of it, because I can tell at a glance that it is exactly the sort of …

Diana Day 2013

On this day, in 1934, Diana Wynne Jones was born. It is also worth noting that, yesterday, in 1987, I was born. But because so much of what Jones did influenced me, I prefer to write special birthday posts about her rather than myself. Unfortunately, this year events have conspired against me and I only have a …

Announcing Heliopause

For some time now I’ve been building up a new business front to handle the publication and production for my art and fiction. Perhaps you’ve heard me mention something to this effect before. Well, now at last I have something concrete to show you! HELIOPAUSE PRODUCTIONS is now live as a business and website, and …

God-Fox and Felpz

My online manga, Year of the God-Fox, is posting weekly over at yearofthegodfox.com. Anyone who hasn’t already should seriously check it out! It also has an official Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook—so you can be kept up-to-date on the social media site of your choice. I post chapter previews, teasers, and also Production Notes (sort of like behind-the-scenes …

Report: AnthroCon 2013

What: AnthroCon Where: Pittsburgh PA When: July 5th-7th 2013 Those of you who have followed this blog long enough may remember my report last year of AnthroCon 2012, and if you are new you may refer to that post if you ever become confused. However, if you are familiar with fantasy and science fiction cons, what comes …