Reflections on A Year of No Cons

When the statewide shutdown of Washington was announced, finally terminating plans for Emerald City Comic Con, I was disappointed. Of course, I was disappointed. I was all packed. I had contingencies in place for either a last-minute acceptance into the Artist Alley or a weekend spent selling Purrmaids for my friend Kiki. I had a …

Dagrhi Portrait [art post]

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Those of you who’ve followed me a while have probably already met Dagrhi, the Lakewolf, Moon-Eyed Dog, She Who Devours, Eater of Evil, but just in case you haven’t, here is a nice introduction to her. This portrait goes with the other two I did for Astrhopi and Rhondi, which I’ve been meaning …

From the Shadow of the Fire

As I write this, Bend Oregon is heading into its fifth consecutive day with a median AQI of over 400. That’s on beyond Unhealthy, Very Unhealthy, and solidly into the Hazardous zone. It looks hazardous, too. Particulate matter is so thick the trees across the street are cloaked in haze and Pilot Butte, normally visible …

Astrhopi Portrait [art post]

This little colored pencil portrait of the Heliopause mascot, Astrhopi the Heliopause Pony, has been kicking around my workspace for several months. As I’ve just finished one big project (the Lucena cover) and am beginning another (Professor Odd Season Two), I took the opportunity to finish her. I am very happy, not least because this …

A Long Strange March

It snowed the weekend they closed the pool, which meant I had four days of nothing but kettlebells before I dared go out on the bike. Those four days have been the hardest so far, except maybe the ones that I was actually sick, but at the same time they were comforting. Nothing makes me …