A Day of Fours

So much is happening. So very busy. Haven’t had time to blog at all in a serious way. Hope you are following me on twitter—as that’s where the party is these days.

A couple of things have happened recently that I wanted to write about, however. The first is that Professor Odd #4: The Elder Machine is now available as an eBook and a paperback all over the internet, yes, and maybe in some bookstores too (you may have to ask yours to special-order it). Here is the cover, which went up on deviantART without the titles a while back:

04ElderMachineSmIt’s available from all the usual suspects, and you can read more about it (with direct links to where to buy it) over at its Heliopause page.

I have a lot I want to say about the cover, and some things about the story as well, but that’ll have to wait for another time. Meanwhile, Year of the God-Fox’s final book just went live over at yearofthegodfox.com and I would encourage everyone to go read it! It represents over two years of solid work and an immeasurable number of hours of watercolor painting… also I am rather pleased with the story. Here is its cover:

Book 4 Cover900

The individual books (there are four total) can be had for $5-$7 depending, and the whole series is $20. To read it, you’ll need to make an account and purchase the comic, which then gives you access to all the pages. All purchases are permanent, so you’ll be able to read it for as long as the internet exists. I am also hoping to come out with a print edition… eventually. Everything you need to read it online, however, you can find at http://www.yearofthegodfox.com/books/ … right now!

Now it’s back to the arting mines. I am working on another batch of Astral Chimera, and also preparing the first Driving Arcana book. Lots of work. Very exciting.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Goldeen Ogawa is a writer, illustrator and cartoonist. To keep tabs on what she is doing you can follow her on twitter @GrimbyTweets. You can also send her an email at goldeenogawa@gmail.com.