Ninja Post is Ninja

I have lately found myself giving the URL for this website to all sorts of people, and for all sorts of publications, and I realize that at first glance it may appear a sadly stagnant and deserted house.

This is not the case. For as the atheist likes to say: lack of proof of one thing does not equate to positive proof of another. I have been immensely busy writing and drawing, and doing all those other things that are necessary for the first two to be possible at all, not to mention working on the various favors and gifts that I owe other people. In fact, it is because of this business that I have neglected this blog.

I have been writing material for it, to be sure, but I’ve lately beeb making the mistake of showing these articles to my mother first, and she has insisted on copy-editing them. The window for posting updates is lost, and the marked up files shuffled to the bottom of my manuscript pile. Not so this post! I am writing in the actual WordPress text box for this website, so when it is finished I shall just hit “publish” and that will be that. I trust you will be able to see through any little typo or error that I make to my true meaning, which is all the really matters.

Thinking over what I want to do with this blog, I have decided not to write about writing itself. Articles about writing are only really interesting to other writers, and then I believe it is only so that we may compare and contrast ourselves to the writer of said article. And while the general person may not find writings on writing particularly of interest, writers, I believe, are interested in everything so it will be of no great loss.

I will write about stories, however. Stories, as opposed to writing, in the broader sense of the word, regardless of what medium that story my be told with. I can say that I will do so with some confidence, because stories are what I do, what I think about, all day. It would be impossible for me to do otherwise. And while the technicalities of writing can get a bit boring to the reader, exploring the inner workings of stories must be interesting for both writers and readers. And if I know anything about the readership of this blog, it is that you are all, to some degree, readers.

Other subjects I’d like to cover in future include the differences between talents and skills, and how they are easily mistaken for each other; the visual language of comics and how it is not, as it commonly believed, simply a merger of words and pictures; and of course I’d like to finish what I started with my “Making Covers” series.

I have already finished a post about my experiences as a child learning to read (I was un-schooled and a late reader, so this is more interesting that it first appears), and a revised version of a blog post I wrote years ago about the issue of character death and when and how I have seen it done badly or well. I have also written a new bio for the About page, which I hope to have updated soon.

I will not being doing any “character interviews,” because I think it would be boring. Besides, all my characters are busy being in their stories and haven’t got the time. Though I am considering putting together little character biographies, rather like IMDb profiles, as some of them appear in multiple stories across many years, and it might be nice for a reader to look them up to, as it were, see what else they’d done. But that shall have to wait until I’ve got a few more stories up.

And that is really all I have time for. I know that it is all too easy to write aimlessly about all the work one is doing, and how tedious that can be to read, so I am going to shut up now and get back to doing it. Until next time, here is a picture of Dafydd taken from the side of Moro Rock on Saturday, looking across to some rather impressive mountains.

Be well.


If there is any topic you’d particularly like to read Goldeen blog about (or one you want her to avoid), you can send her an email at or peck at her on Twitter @GrimbyTweets