Belated, I know, but if there is any overlap in between my readership and members of WorldCons 2015 (Sasquan), 2016 (MidAmeriCon II), and/or 2017 (WorldCon 75), and you’re having trouble filling out your Hugo Nomination ballots, here are my Hugo-eligible works, and their respective categories:
Best Novella
(A science fiction or fantasy story between 17,500 and 40,000 words that appeared for the first time in 2015.)
- “The Dogs of Canary Island”
- “Missionary Man”
Best Novelette
(A science fiction or fantasy story between 7,500 and 17,500 words that appeared for the first time in 2015.)
- “The Moonfoot Problem”
- “The Case of Countess Baronia”
All of which can be found in Apsis Fiction: Aphelion 2015, from Heliopause Productions, July 2 2015.
In addition, my own person can be considered for Best Pro Artist thanks to the examples below:
Hugo nominations are open until midnight (11:59 Pacific DST) March 31 2016. Look to your email for your member number/PIN, and happy form-filling!